Monday, March 03, 2008

We Went Ice Skating

We took the girls over to the Galleria in Houston to go ice skating. I wasn't quiet sure how that would go but they did pretty good. Mark was the most successful. I finally got off the wall after a lap or two and Ava managed a few attempts without hanging on but she tried really hard. Ella just couldn't get it and stayed in the stands with my Dad and stepmom most of the time. The best story I have of the day was the girl's reaction to Neiman Marcus. We came in the mall that way and had to come up the escalator to get to the mall entrance. When we came up in to the bright, shiney and very beautiful makeup and parfume floor, both girls eyes got huge and let out a big Wow, this is the most beautiful place I've ever seen! I hope that is not a sign of things to come. Mark might have to get a second job to afford them.

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